Each paper is required to be submitted as a pre-recorded presentation and should be submitted here:

Please name your video as follows (replace it with your information)

EDASPaperID_Paper Title

Preparing your Pre-Recorded Presentation

– Pre-recorded presentations should be recorded at a maximum of 14 minutes, this duration will allow for 4 minutes of live questions.

– We request pre-recorded presentations are a file size of approximately 150 MB and must be less the 200mb.

– Presentation videos must be in MP4 format.

– All papers (whether you wish to present live or not) must submit a pre-recorded presentation by the September 15 and attend their live Q&A, failure to do so will be considered as a no-show, and be subject to ComSoc rules in which IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore).

Video Requirements

– Duration: 12-14 minutes

– File size: 150 MB (preferred),  200 MB (maximum)

– Dimensions: Minimum height 480 pixels

– Suggested Aspect ratio: 16:9

– Videos cannot have any sort of watermark

– Ensure your webcam image does not overlap any significant portion of the presentation.

– Audio must be clear (make sure there is no noise around you, or use headphones with a microphone to ensure a better audio quality)

– It is suggested that you record your presentation using a method that captures both your slides, and yourself presenting.